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Give it your all
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks:Give it your all 
Sir, I sense a rocky future ahead of us. 
Panel 2 
Mr. Blip: Sir! There's an asteroid headed right towards us! 
Panel 3 
Commander Head: Quickly man! Fire ALL missiles! 
Panel 5 
Mr. Blip: Wait. Did you have a target in mind?

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Comic dialog
Sir, I sense a rocky future ahead of us.

Panel 2
Mr. Blip: Sir! There's an asteroid headed right towards us!
Panel 3
Commander Head: Quickly man! Fire ALL missiles!
Panel 5
Mr. Blip: Wait. Did you have a target in mind?

Author Comments aka Comic News

Not during lunch, but before midnight
Ok, I didn't get it done over mu lunch break, but I am posting it before Friday is over, so I get some points for that, right? I hope my US readers had a good Fourth of July. Mine was filled with lots of not being motivated, a little bit of art work, and then some firework watching. All in all, it wasn't bad. Well, I'm off to go see Iron Man 3, before it's out of the theaters. Have a good weekend.

RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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