Comic dialog |
Gary Author Comments aka Comic News A moment People, like snowflakes, are beautiful and unique things that flutter alone upon their path through the world around them. Each of them shine brightly and shimmer when looked at properly, the world reflected off of them. Each reflection special and and completely unique. Too often, we notice only the snow and ignore that which makes it up. To me this is sad, for me miss millions upon millions of glittering patterns. At times like this, when we've missed one and it's melted away, we can only hope that we can make out the smallest of a reflection or impact of that shape in the snow that dances closest to it. Yesterday I want to a wake, and it was snowing. Sometimes things get me thinking. The wake was for someone I did not know as well as I should have... would have liked to. I went there mostly to support her daughter, if I could, and yet I knew that she (the mother) must have been an exceptional woman. I see her children and see what strong parents and amazing people they have become. Anyone who could help create and raise them must definately have been amazing themselves. All of that said.. so the comic. During the wake, the power went out. It turned into a wake by candle light. At the time, I did not know that this would help me think up the comic I was going to do. In fact, on the way home, I kept trying to think about what I would do (I've been a bit busy lately, so the comics are being done last minute). When I was nearing my house, I can up with what we see here. It's simple and basic, but it was the best I could come up with. |
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015