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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Wednesday's quote
"Those who trip their balls off are basically just giving the middle finger to reality."
- Doodly Puffinpot, 1966 A.D.

Thursday's quote
"The most beautiful flowers bloom but once a year, and wilt before anyone can ever see them."
- Jebediah Daisy, 1301 A.D.

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Some ram doesn't help with memory
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Some ram doesn't help with memory 
Calm down! It only fits if you relax. 
Panel 1 
Jacob: You know what would be faster? Caching the whole system. 
Panel 2 
Jacob: Jase? All the servers are running out of memory, you should upgrade them? 
Panel 3 
Jase: Let's go see if Jacob has a slot that I can cram this ram into.

comic search terms: Some ram doesn't help with memory
comic dialog: Calm down! It only fits if you relax.

Panel 1
Jacob: You know what would be faster? Caching the whole system.
Panel 2
Jacob: Jase? All the servers are running out of memory, you should upgrade them?
Panel 3
Jase: Let's go see if Jacob has a slot that I can cram this ram into.
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A cool kind of thing happened today, I got in the shirts for my softball team, and I tweeted it. Then, shortly after tweeting it, Bruce Campbell retweeted it. Here's the tweet.

Current tweets