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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Fake quote(s) to use in every day life.
Updated daily

Friday's quote
"Power comes not from strength, but rather from the illusion of strong friends."
- Micky Vermillion, 1947 A.D.

Saturday's quote
"A quote is just the written ramblings of a man."
- J. K. Hasselburg, 1817 A.D.

Sunday's quote
"We strive for perfection even though we know we can never attain it."
- (Unknown author), (Unknown date)

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Wasted meat
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Wasted meat 
Panel 1 
Caption: Calories burnt unwrapping the steak, 2903. 
Calories gained from eating the steak, 891. 
You do the math.

comic search terms: Wasted meat
comic dialog: Panel 1
Caption: Calories burnt unwrapping the steak, 2903.
Calories gained from eating the steak, 891.
You do the math.
     Vote for Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic) on TopWebComics!
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So, while I was in Chicago, I ordered a steak, and the amount of wrapping it came in was insane. The order was a steak, which came with a side salad, a baked potato, and a vegetable of the day. Here's how it came wrapped. The paper bag was inside a plastic bag, guess that makes carrying it easier, so that's not too uncommon. Then there was the salad, which was in an aluminum foil wrapped Styrofoam container. The dressing for it was in another Styrofoam and plastic container that was also wrapped in aluminum foil. Then the vegetable was wrapped the same way. Then the steak and potato were in a large Styrofoam container, but each was wrapped in aluminum foil. So yeah, a lot of containers for my food. Now, the food was good, but oh the waste.

Here are the pics from C2E2

spiderman costume at C2E2

spiderman costume at C2E2

mariocostume at C2E2

shield car at C2E2

shield car specs at C2E2

pheonix costume at C2E2

taskmaster and deadpool costume at C2E2

godzilla costume at C2E2

godzilla costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

orko costume at C2E2

eating healthy at C2E2

hawkman costume at C2E2

ghostbuster costumes at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2


Zach Weiner and James Ashby
 at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2

costume at C2E2


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