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Wizard World 2010, day 3
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Wizard World 2010, day 3 
Come with me, if you want to live... with an autograph of your very own. 
Panel 1 
Caption: How do you get three hundred geeks to fit into a room build for one hundred? Tell them there's a costume contest going on. 
Geek Alpha: Oooo! I see Poisen Ivy! 
Geek Beta: Ooo! Ooo! I see Power Girl! 
Geek Gamma: Ooo! Ooo! I see skin! 
Panel 2 
Caption: And how do you get them to leave that same room? Tell them Linda Hamilton is doing a photo op. 
contest going on. 
Geek Alpha: Ooo! Ooo! I see the line! 
Geek Beta: Ooo! Ooo! I see her hair! 
Geek Gamma: Ooo! Ooo! I see Skin!

comic search terms: Wizard World 2010, day 3
comic dialog: Come with me, if you want to live... with an autograph of your very own.

Panel 1
Caption: How do you get three hundred geeks to fit into a room build for one hundred? Tell them there's a costume contest going on.
Geek Alpha: Oooo! I see Poisen Ivy!
Geek Beta: Ooo! Ooo! I see Power Girl!
Geek Gamma: Ooo! Ooo! I see skin!
Panel 2
Caption: And how do you get them to leave that same room? Tell them Linda Hamilton is doing a photo op.
contest going on.
Geek Alpha: Ooo! Ooo! I see the line!
Geek Beta: Ooo! Ooo! I see her hair!
Geek Gamma: Ooo! Ooo! I see Skin!
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Day three
Well, day three is over, and only one more day of Wizard World/Comic Con Chicago remains. I have hundreds of photos to go through (the costume contest took place today), so it's going to take me a little time to go through them and post them. Today I spent most of my time in the indie section, buying independent comics. I'll try and update this site with info on good ones that I find. If you want to see a cute, but messed up comic, try "Apooka", by Mike Roll and Jon Hickey.

Here's one photo from today.
Oh fat Tony. For shame

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