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RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Place holder 69, need I say more?
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Place holder 69, need I say more? 
Quickly, get the pump! 
Panel 1 
Caption: "Huh. With all that work, I thought it'd be bigger." One of the many things you don't want to hear in bed.

comic search terms: Place holder 69, need I say more?
comic dialog: Quickly, get the pump!

Panel 1
Caption: "Huh. With all that work, I thought it'd be bigger." One of the many things you don't want to hear in bed.
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Lost track of time
Well, I lost track of time, so we have a placeholder comic. Comic number 69. So yeah, that photo is 125 comics... I really thought the pile would be bigger. If I get my toner and chips for the toner, then I'll put together the rest of the comics. While I'm going this comic, Eurotrip is on tv, it's a fairly strang movie that I'll have to check and see if I can find on netflix later, since I have to crash now. Oh well.

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