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Swing your bat
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Swing your bat 
Hmmm... Ug like comic. Guess Ug no smash comic man 4 pixels to the right. 
Panel 1 
Hector: Heeeeeeeyyy! 
Caption: Just a suggestion, 
Panel 2 
Hector: Batta batta batta! 
Panel 3 
Hector: Sa-wing battaaa 
Panel 4 
Hector: aaAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! My eye! 
Caption: don't piss off the person wielding a club

comic search terms: Swing your bat
comic dialog: Hmmm... Ug like comic. Guess Ug no smash comic man 4 pixels to the right.

Panel 1
Hector: Heeeeeeeyyy!
Caption: Just a suggestion,
Panel 2
Hector: Batta batta batta!
Panel 3
Hector: Sa-wing battaaa
Panel 4
Hector: aaAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! My eye!
Caption: don't piss off the person wielding a club
     Vote for Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic) on TopWebComics!
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Well, I just joined a softball team and had my first practice. I'm pretty sore and tired, but it was a lot of fun. I haven't played this since grade school. It'll be good. It'll get me more used to the thinner air in Denver. Well, I'm off to sleep some. "Hustle! Hustle! Hustle!"

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