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Survivor, in game
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Survivor, in game 
Panel 1 
Caption: In the world of gaming, there are several thoughts on how to survive. 
Captain Courageous: Have at THEE! 
Caption: You can be courageous and take on the hordes of enemies all by yourself, 
Panel 2 
Caption: you can be cunning and stealthy, and eliminate your enemies from afar, 
Bolt of god: BOOM! Head shot! 
Panel 3 
Back Stabber: hehe 
Caption: you can be devious and back stabbing, 
Panel 4 
Caption: or, like our hero Jase, you can be smart and surround yourself with an army of loyal fodder. 
Loyal fodder: Don't worry leader, we'll protect you!

comic search terms: Survivor, in game
comic dialog: Panel 1
Caption: In the world of gaming, there are several thoughts on how to survive.
Captain Courageous: Have at THEE!
Caption: You can be courageous and take on the hordes of enemies all by yourself,
Panel 2
Caption: you can be cunning and stealthy, and eliminate your enemies from afar,
Bolt of god: BOOM! Head shot!
Panel 3
Back Stabber: hehe
Caption: you can be devious and back stabbing,
Panel 4
Caption: or, like our hero Jase, you can be smart and surround yourself with an army of loyal fodder.
Loyal fodder: Don't worry leader, we'll protect you!
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Now for something less serious.
Ok, the odds of someone dying for you in a video game are slim, but sometimes a great player can win the loyalty of others. Then, if the player is smart... muhahahah!, they'll send the loyal fools into the hail of enemy destruction, or something like that. I case you haven't guessed, I'm not one of those that wins the loyalty of the masses.

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