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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Mine don't stink
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Mine don't stink 
Panel 1 
Gary Marks: Man, this program is going to take me hours to learn. I'll just write my own. 
Panel 2 
Caption: Three days later. 
Gary Marks: YES! It works! It finally works!

comic search terms: Mine don't stink
comic dialog: Panel 1
Gary Marks: Man, this program is going to take me hours to learn. I'll just write my own.
Panel 2
Caption: Three days later.
Gary Marks: YES! It works! It finally works!
     Vote for Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic) on TopWebComics!
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Parse this
Well, after writing my own Quake 3 log parser, because the one I found online didn't do exactly what I wanted, and I didn't want to figure out their code; this comic has a special place in my heart.

Well.. it's 1:45am and time for me to get some sleep (I had forgotten it was Thursday, so at about 12:30ish, I started the comic). I hope you all enjoy it. Expect to hear the rules for the contest, Monday.

Also, if I remember, I'll rant a little about Avatar, I finally saw it.

Decoder Ring Theatre
Let me start of with how I found this site, so you can take it with a grain of salt, if you like. Every so often, one of the comic listing sites that I'm on, offers it's members a chance to get a banner on a high traffic site, if they mention a contest or event that another one of their sites is hosting. Normally, this doesn't interest me that much. Yes, the additional traffic would be cool, but so far, this site is just a hobby of mine, so the traffic isn't needed. When the most recent offer like this came in, it mentioned "audio drama" and "Have you ever wanted to be a radio supervillain?". Both of those statements peeked my interest, so I went to the site to check it out. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it here before, but I'm actually quite a big OTR (Old time radio)/radio story fan. As a kid I grew up listening to repeats (yeah, not old enough to hear them when they first broadcast) of stories like "The Green Hornet", "X-Minus 1", "Lights out", "Fibber McGee and Molly", "Burns and Allen", "The Lone Ranger", "Suspense", "The Shadow", "This is your FBI", "Harry Lime in The Third Man", and many others. I really used to enjoy those. It's a different kind of media. One that allows your mind to paint the image/world. It's somewhere between reading and TV, both of which I enjoy.

So yes, it peeked my interest, so I went to the site and started listening to "The Red Panda Adventures". It's actually pretty fun. Like most TV shows (with the exception of Farscape, Angel, and Burn Notice), it starts off a little rough, but I listened to some of their later ones too, just to make sure that they continues to grow and improve, and they do. I'm enjoying it. So I figured I would do the self serving plug for it here. Since I do enjoy it, I'm also adding it to my links page. If you like radio stories, or super heroes, or 30s/40s pop culture, you should check it out. Well, here's the plug:

    Have you ever wanted to be a radio supervillain? Or rather, did you have an idea for a villain you'd love to actually hear on a radiostyle podcast? Submit your idea for a radio supervillain and read about where you can get hundreds of hours of free audio drama done by the impression cast of Decoder Ring Theatre, over at topwebcomics.com.

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