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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Like a foul wind
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Like a foul wind 
Panel 1 
Jane: Huh. No email. I guess they liked the design. 
Panel 2 
Jane: So, I'll just make it live and sent out a mass email. 
Caption: And so the email is sent. 
Panel 3 
Caption: As people across the world open the email and visit the site, they are instantly mesmerized by the site's perfection, and they los the ability to do anything other than stare blankly at their screens. 
Panel 4 
Caption: Oddly enout, it's hours beore anyone realizes there's a problem. 
Tommy: Hey. Want to do smoke? Hello? Hey! HEY! You alive?

comic search terms: Like a foul wind
comic dialog: Panel 1
Jane: Huh. No email. I guess they liked the design.
Panel 2
Jane: So, I'll just make it live and sent out a mass email.
Caption: And so the email is sent.
Panel 3
Caption: As people across the world open the email and visit the site, they are instantly mesmerized by the site's perfection, and they los the ability to do anything other than stare blankly at their screens.
Panel 4
Caption: Oddly enout, it's hours beore anyone realizes there's a problem.
Tommy: Hey. Want to do smoke? Hello? Hey! HEY! You alive?
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So much to do.
Sorry the comic is black and white only today, I've been rather busy this weekend. I've been unpacking and moving from one bedroom into another. I would say we're about sixty to seventy five percent unpacked now. We still have to setup the spare room, and do some more with setting up some of the other rooms, but it's coming together rather nicely.

Some other things I've been working on, is the contest. I've been working on some designs for rm -r gym shoes and skate boards. I'm fairly certain that the contest will be Smokin Guns and OpenArena. Both are freeware FPSs (First Person Shooters). I tried to find a freeware RTS (Real Time Strategy), but I couldn't find any that had a dedicated server, so it's FPS only. Sorry strategy players. My current thoughts on how the contest will run, is as follows:
    (remember this is only a first thought, it's not official yet)
    Starting April, I'll have character registration site (you enter your username and email address, so I can contact you fi you win) and one or two dedicated Smokin Guns and OpenArena servers going with bots. Then every week, I'll determine who the top players are in each game (one winner from Smokin Guns and one winner from OpenArena). They'll win the weekly prize. Then, at the end of the month, I'll determine which player was the best in each game, and they'll win the grand prize. Each player will only be allowed to win one weekly prize and one grand prize. The grand prize will be the user's choice of gym shoes or a skateboard (board only, no risers/wheels/etc). The weekly prize will be t-shirts and or mouse pads. I'll let everyone know as soon as I have everything set and official rules. If any of you have ideas on the contest, let me know.

Oh also, "The Incredibles" is an amazing film. I've seen it before, but every now and then, I like to watch it again. It's frigg'n amazing. I would like to thank everyone involved in making that movie. It was definitely a treat to watch.

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