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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Work, the non-work alternative
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Work, the non-work alternative 
Panel 1 
Jane: Wow. it's nice to be home. maybe I overreacted a little to those dreams. 
Panel 2 
Sound Effect: THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! 
Cassandra: Oh Jacob! 
Jacob: Want to play? 
Panel 3 
Jane: AHHHHhhhhhHHHhhh!!!!! 
Panel 4 
Jane: Must code. Must work. Must forget.

comic search terms: Work, the non-work alternative
comic dialog: Panel 1
Jane: Wow. it's nice to be home. maybe I overreacted a little to those dreams.
Panel 2
Sound Effect: THUMP! THUMP! THUMP!
Cassandra: Oh Jacob!
Jacob: Want to play?
Panel 3
Jane: AHHHHhhhhhHHHhhh!!!!!
Panel 4
Jane: Must code. Must work. Must forget.
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Aaaand I am back
Well, we're back. I apologize to all you avid readers for the time away and for all the recaps lately. I just feel they're sort of needed for both the readers and myself, after such a long pause in programming. If you have any questions, comments, or complaints, please feel free to register for the forum and leave some feedback.

A lot has happened since the last comic. Jen and I have packed up all of our stuff and moved to Denver. We've moved into a much more modern apartment, on the fourth floor. It's pretty swank. Hopefully we don't end up bringing it down, heh. Sunday, we were able to move all of the stuff that was destined to be in storage, into storage, so we actually have some free space again. I've also managed to cobble together the media pc and projector, so the place is definitely coming together. We no have a living room, and two desks setup for gaming.

This Saturday, I was even able to get some gaming in with a friend of ours. We played Left 4 Dead. Unfortunately, the new Aliens VS Predator doesn't run on my laptop, which may be reaching its end of life, too sad. It's an Acer Aspire 5672, with upgrade memory (3G), an upgraded hard drive (500G), and Intel Core Duo (T2300) 1.66GHz, and an ATI x1400. The laptop is probably close to 5 years old now. I ordered a new cpu for it, a T2600 in a vain hope that I'll be able to play Alien VS Predator on it, and Bioshock 2 (currently only runs in 800x600). I should be getting that chip on Tuesday. Thankfully, that was cheap, because moving is expensive.

Unfortunately, this move has come at a truly inopportune time. I wound up packing on my birthday and anniversary (Jen was in Denver for both), and I won't be able ot go to Digital Overload. This will be the first year that I've missed it. It's kind of a shame. It was a Digital Overload three years ago that inspired me to start the comic, so I enjoy going back to the event and reliving it all a bit. At that fateful event three years ago, Tim Buckley (now a personal hero of mine, since he inspired me to start this comic) gave a demonstration on how he does a comic, and it gave me enough to think about, and then a month later, enough to actually do the comic. Now, I had been thinking about/ talking about doing a comic for quite some time before this, but this really was the thing that spurred me on. It was a very cool thing, and this year is their fifth year doing this. If you get a chance to go, I highly, highly recommend it.

Oh, on a different note, I've watched a newish show this weekend, it's call The Guild. If you've every played an MMO, or your a gamer, or you have friends that are gamers or play MMOs, you'll probably find it hysterical. Do note, it's dry humor, so there's no laugh track, no ridiculous slapstick, etc, but it's really pretty good. You can find it on Netflix's "watch it now".

Let's see, what else is there? This may be one of my longest posts, but a lot has happened. Unfortunately, one of my big loses from moving, is the loss of a dojo. I'm really not certain where I'm going to get the kind of training I've been getting, if anywhere. Next week, I'll start looking around for something. I told myself that I would give myself 2 weeks to settle in before starting that quest.

Other new things include:
  • the forum has be re-organized (old topics under a 2009 heading), please feel free to use it.
  • I have also added a Chicago hot spots and a Denver hot spots forum. I'll be making posts there sometime this week. Please help me fill these out with cool places to visit in Chicago and Denver, and with places that people should avoid at all costs.

Ok, I think that's all. I'm glad to be back, and I hope to continue to be entertaining to you. Thanks for reading.

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