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RIP rm-r-comic
Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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Style us.
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Style us. 
Panel 1 
Mr. Sir "Lucky" Woodland Underbush Stick the third: Well, our illustrious leader has done it again. He's screwed up. He lost his stylus, so This week, it's just me. Won't this be fun?  
Mr. Sir "Lucky" Woodland Underbush Stick the third: No? Well, how about a short game of hangman?

comic search terms: Style us.
comic dialog: Panel 1
Mr. Sir "Lucky" Woodland Underbush Stick the third: Well, our illustrious leader has done it again. He's screwed up. He lost his stylus, so This week, it's just me. Won't this be fun?
Mr. Sir "Lucky" Woodland Underbush Stick the third: No? Well, how about a short game of hangman?
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ARGH! Where is my stylus? How can I make my comics without it? Unfortunately, my place is in a complete state of disarray, so I can't find anything.

Still no stylus found. I just ordered a new one. Hopefully it'll arrive in time to do the Monday comic.

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