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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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The anatomy of Cupid, part 5
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: The anatomy of Cupid, part 5 
Panel 1 
Jacob: Hey! I'm not food!?! ZOMBIE ATTACK!! 
Sign: Jacob's room KEEP OUT 
Panel 2 
Jacob: What the?! Give that back! It's mine! I'm attached to it. Give it! Give it! 
Sign: Jacob's room KEEP OUT 
Panel 3 
Jacob: Ahhhhh!!!! Where's it go?! 
Sign: Jacob's room KEEP OUT 
Panel 4 
Jacob: Oh.. oh my! Nevermind, you can keep it. 
Sign: Jacob's room KEEP OUT

comic search terms: The anatomy of Cupid, part 5
comic dialog: Panel 1
Jacob: Hey! I'm not food!?! ZOMBIE ATTACK!!
Sign: Jacob's room KEEP OUT
Panel 2
Jacob: What the?! Give that back! It's mine! I'm attached to it. Give it! Give it!
Sign: Jacob's room KEEP OUT
Panel 3
Jacob: Ahhhhh!!!! Where's it go?!
Sign: Jacob's room KEEP OUT
Panel 4
Jacob: Oh.. oh my! Nevermind, you can keep it.
Sign: Jacob's room KEEP OUT
     Vote for Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic) on TopWebComics!
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Up, up, and away
Remember, only one more week for the coloring contest.

So, this weekend, I saw "Up". It's a really good movie. I also walked through the smoke of gunfire, and watched the neighborhood explode in brilliant colors. The fourth of July does so rock. I also spent a lot of time on an electronics joke, perhaps more information on that later.

Oh, also, the swag for the coloring contest is on its way. I have to admit, I'm pretty excited to see it. Hopefully, the rest of you are also excited about it.

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