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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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The anatomy of Cupid, part 3
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: The anatomy of Cupid, part 3 
Panel 1 
Jase: Hmm.. ok, perhaps I need to take a more drastic approach 
Panel 2 
Jase: Here, watch this. 
Jacob: Midget Mandy's rodeo affaire? 
Panel 4 
Jase: So, how's the movie? 
Jacob: It's repulsive, scary, and yet strangely intriguing. I mean, is she ever going to find those vegetables?

comic search terms: The anatomy of Cupid, part 3
comic dialog: Panel 1
Jase: Hmm.. ok, perhaps I need to take a more drastic approach
Panel 2
Jase: Here, watch this.
Jacob: Midget Mandy's rodeo affaire?
Panel 4
Jase: So, how's the movie?
Jacob: It's repulsive, scary, and yet strangely intriguing. I mean, is she ever going to find those vegetables?
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Color me surprised
Ok, so, I'm starting a coloring contest with this comic. Everyone give it a try, send me as many submissions as you want.

Send: Image, Name, and a means of contacting you, in case you win. Prize(s) TBD. Send submissions here, before July 13th, 2009.

Click here for full details.

Also, porn is definately not the way to teach someone about sex. I mean look at me.. er no.. stop it! stop staring! heh.

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