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Boom goes the brain pan
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Boom goes the brain pan 
Panel 1 
Caption: Demolishing my "City of Villians" addiction

comic search terms: Boom goes the brain pan
comic dialog: Panel 1
Caption: Demolishing my "City of Villians" addiction
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Going the distance
So, as I was walking to the train, on the way to work today, I saw that someone had vandalized an ice cream sigh. They added graffiti that they thought would be funny. Now, normally, I'm not all that pro-graffiti, since it is destroying someone else's property, but this one they were at least trying to be funny. They added the word "thick" to the sign, so it read "ice thick cream", the joke being "thick cream". Now, if you're going to go that far, why not go all the way? Look at what you had to work with, and really work with it. The original sign said "ice cream". so why not change it to "nice thick cream", or "my vice, thick cream". or "mice's thick cream", or for the vagabond lovers out there "lice and thick cream"? I mean, if you're going to make a joke, go all out. don't half ass it. Thank you, this has been a public service announcement by rm -r comic.

Breaking my city of villains habit
If you've ever gotten into an mmo, you'll know that eventually it becomes very hard to play (because friends leave), and very hard to leave. Earlier, this month, I canceled my cov (city of villains) account, since no one I played with still had theirs, and we were all leveling together. I figured it was pointless to keep it, so I hit cancel, and they tell me i have until the end of the month to keep playing, since I had already paid for this month. Quite a nice trick on their end, making the pain of leaving linger. so, I figure I'd use the time to sell some stuff i had on their black market. Things start selling, but I'm trying to buy a specific drop, ritki alloy, but the going price is rediculous, so I decide to take on some ritki missions and hope for the best. as I'm running these missions, I notice a new feature which I had earlier in the month just ignored. The new feature is the ability to make levels, it's called architect entertainment, so I start to play with that, because it's always a fun thing. At this point I'm still convinced to quit the game, because, even though the level editing is a lot of fun, where I found the place was deep into the game, and I didn't feel like going through all the #%^&$# needed to level up a char. Like I said, I was still all ready to quit, then I see a notice, that if I want a specific badge, I need to log in as all my characters. I figured that logging in as all of my low level characters wouldn't be that difficult, and hell, while I have them logged in, I might as well run them to some place with a day job. so there I am with my lowest level character (fallenstorm), and what do I see on the map? I see an architect entertainment. I head over to it and start level editing, I also got pulled into a farm while there and went from level 5 to level 27 in about 2 or 3 hours. So now I have on ok leveled character, and the ability to level edit... some how, it's difficult to leave again. *sigh* I at least want to finish my level/story arc. Stupid game and its addictive quality.

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