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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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"Hehehehe! There's an HTML character for the Predator's laser site, for his Plasma Caster shoulder mounted cannon!
∴ = &there4;"

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Watchmen, growing popularity
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Watchmen, growing popularity 
Panel 1 
Jase: Oh man, I can't wait to see this movie. 
Jacbo: Yeah, it's going to be great on the iMax! 
Panel 2 
Jase: This movie rocks! 
Panel 3 
Jase: Oh. My. God... I feel like it's cold... so cold. 
Jacob: Down in front! 
Panel 4 
Hope: So, how was the movie? 
Jase: It was.. It was... It was just so big.

comic search terms: Watchmen, growing popularity
comic dialog: Panel 1
Jase: Oh man, I can't wait to see this movie.
Jacbo: Yeah, it's going to be great on the iMax!
Panel 2
Jase: This movie rocks!
Panel 3
Jase: Oh. My. God... I feel like it's cold... so cold.
Jacob: Down in front!
Panel 4
Hope: So, how was the movie?
Jase: It was.. It was... It was just so big.
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The Watchmen
Ok, I don't think I ever got around to really talking about this movie. It's actually a really good movie. It's almost three hours long (162 minutes), and it's full of good acting, adventure, some female nudity, and lots of male nudity. If you read the comic, you would be ready for that.

I really did like the movie, and I highly recommend it. The special effects are top rate; it is well filmed, as far as shots and angles are concerned; and it keeps largely true to the comic. A few things were changed from the comic, but all in all, it was very close.

The movie was able to make me squeamish at times and invoke emotional reactions from me at times. To me, that makes it a good movie. It took me away from my everyday, and let me enjoy a story.

Now, as for the schlong, if you want to see what you're in store for, go here, you'll even see the scene I took the third panel from. I'll admit, I thought it was larger, after I saw it, but I saw it on the iMax, so it was probably like six feet long there, or maybe more. While I was searching for images for a scene to draw today, I realized that it was much more of a normal proportion than I originally thought it was.

To sum everything up, I recommend the film. For those of you who have seen, and enjoyed the film, I would recommend you also read the comic, I would recommend that you read the comic after the movie, but that's just so you aren't comparing it as you watch it.

Just a side note, in case you didn't read it last week, I've changed the comic's update schedule from Monday, Wednesday, Friday, to Monday and Friday. I did this so I could get some of my life back, it's hard to maintain the comic at any level while working the job I work.

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