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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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"Ooooooo a links page, you should check it out, before it checks you out."
"Go get the tri-force on our link page."
"Links. Not just sausage anymore. No. really, check it out. It's on the menu now."

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Why does it work for sales?
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Why does it work for sales? 
Panel 1 
Salesman: So, it'll be done Jan 5th? We told the client it would be 
Developer: Nope, March 3rd 
Sales: Jan 5th? 
Developer: March 3rd. 
Sales: Jan 5th? 
Developer: no. 
Sales: Jan 5th? 
Developer: no. 
Panel 2 
Caption: Jan 5th, afterworking 208 hours straight. 
Developer: All done. 
Sales: See? Like I said, the 5th. 
Panel 3 
Developer: hmmm.. maybe there's something to this. I have millions and I'm on the beach. I have millions and I'm on the beach. I have millions and I'm on the beach. I have millions and I'm on the beach. I have millions and I'm...
Panel 4 
Caption: 20 minutes later.
Developer: #$%@#%@#$%

comic search terms: Why does it work for sales?
comic dialog: Panel 1
Salesman: So, it'll be done Jan 5th? We told the client it would be
Developer: Nope, March 3rd
Sales: Jan 5th?
Developer: March 3rd.
Sales: Jan 5th?
Developer: no.
Sales: Jan 5th?
Developer: no.
Panel 2
Caption: Jan 5th, afterworking 208 hours straight.
Developer: All done.
Sales: See? Like I said, the 5th.
Panel 3
Developer: hmmm.. maybe there's something to this. I have millions and I'm on the beach. I have millions and I'm on the beach. I have millions and I'm on the beach. I have millions and I'm on the beach. I have millions and I'm... Panel 4
Caption: 20 minutes later. Developer: #$%@#%@#$%
     Vote for Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic) on TopWebComics!
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well.. it's 1:10 am, I have to get up at 5:30 am.. or more likely, 6:30 am. I stopped working at 12:30am and finished this comic. Sorry it's grey scale, but I'm tired. I almost didn't do a comic today, but this one just fits my life all too often, I didn't want to hold off on it. Today is a good example, I have 3 projects due next week, one wednesday, one friday, the one friday we said we couldn't do in the time frame. We'll see how much sleep I get next week, this week it's about the one due Wednesday, well.. that and every other side #1 priority that gets thrown my way... ok, I'm going to stop writing because I'm tired and this is just going to go down hill from here. Here's my last plug for a while about the new links section. Go to it. Enjoy it. Love it. Embrace it.

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