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Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015

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"Why does the code mock me so? Evil code. EVIL!"

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R Christmas, part 1 of 12
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: R Christmas, part 1 of 12 
Panel 1 
Caption: 'twas the night before Christmas, and ever since midweek, 
Panel 2 
Caption: not a creature was stirring, 'cept maybe a geek, 
Panel 3 
Caption: who was up on a deadline, coding furiously all week, 
Panel 4 
Caption: his hands they did type, but the errors looked quite bleak. 
Computer Screen: :Compile Error on line 20422 :Compile Error on line 20567 :Compile Error on line 20789 :Compile Error on line 20993 :Compile Error on line 21003 :Compile Error on line 21342 :Compile Error on line 21369 :Compile Error on line 22003 :Compile Error on line 23033 :Compile Error on line 23133 :Compile Error on line 23689 :639 Error(s) found @gt;

comic search terms: R Christmas, part 1 of 12
comic dialog: Panel 1
Caption: 'twas the night before Christmas, and ever since midweek,
Panel 2
Caption: not a creature was stirring, 'cept maybe a geek,
Panel 3
Caption: who was up on a deadline, coding furiously all week,
Panel 4
Caption: his hands they did type, but the errors looked quite bleak.
Computer Screen: :Compile Error on line 20422
:Compile Error on line 20567
:Compile Error on line 20789
:Compile Error on line 20993
:Compile Error on line 21003
:Compile Error on line 21342
:Compile Error on line 21369
:Compile Error on line 22003
:Compile Error on line 23033
:Compile Error on line 23133
:Compile Error on line 23689
:639 Error(s) found
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Comics a plenty
Comics every week day until Christmas. Enjoy.

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