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The abyss
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: The abyss 
Panel 1 
Caption: When you stare into the deep dark abyss, and all that stares back is nothingness, it is then and only then that you reach the soul defining, reality shaking realization that... 
Caption: ... "huh, maybe the power is out."

comic search terms: The abyss
comic dialog: Panel 1
Caption: When you stare into the deep dark abyss, and all that stares back is nothingness, it is then and only then that you reach the soul defining, reality shaking realization that...
Caption: ... "huh, maybe the power is out."
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No, there wasn't actually a power outtage, I'm just a tired, lazy punk with a lot on my mind right now. Unfortunately, that means that this is all you guys get. It wasn't completely unrelated to my weekend. I ended my weekend on an up note with some CoV, and in there I and others have a super group called P.O.W.E.R. (Positioning to Obtain a Worldwide Empire and Riches. Where do we come up with this stuff?

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