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Bunker buster
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: Bunker buster 
Panel 1 
Hope: Hey Jase, you in there? I have no video game, but I am full of play. 
Panel 2 
Jase: Well then, come on in. What fun is a bunker withou a bunk mate? 
Panel 3 
Sign: Do not disturb. The vault will soon be a rock'n so no knock'n 
Panel 4 
Dr. Sharon Smartepants: Here we see a largely well adjusted gamer. This is what we should all strive to be like. Horny and locked away from society

comic search terms: Bunker buster
comic dialog: Panel 1
Hope: Hey Jase, you in there? I have no video game, but I am full of play.
Panel 2
Jase: Well then, come on in. What fun is a bunker withou a bunk mate?
Panel 3
Sign: Do not disturb. The vault will soon be a rock'n so no knock'n
Panel 4
Dr. Sharon Smartepants: Here we see a largely well adjusted gamer. This is what we should all strive to be like. Horny and locked away from society
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Fallout 3
It came! Oh the joy, the pleasure! Heh. I am actually really happy that it came, and I've played it for about 3 hours (unfortunately I still have to work this week). 3 hours of gameplay, and I've only just made it out of the vault. It has crashed twice, but I'm blaming my video drivers for that, I over clocked my video a little. I'm going to play the game a bit more before I give a real review of it, just to make certain I'm not just happy that it's out.

First impressions: Nice graphics (running them at medium), fun story, loads of little things to find, intuative interface for choosing your path (different choices you make in the game while talking and in realtime change the story line). So you all know what I'm playing it on: Acer Aspire 5672WLMi, XP, T2300 (1.66ghz Core Duo) Processor, 3GB RAM, SATA drive, ATI Radeon x1400 (128MB physical memory, 512MB hyper memory), and that's running the game smooth at 1024x640, no antialiasing, not anisotropic filtering.

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