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First impressions, part 3
Remove R Comic (aka rm -r comic), by Gary Marks: First impressions, part 3 
Panel 1 
Jane: So, did you want to just hit a coffee shop? 
Angelo: I'm hungry, Let's go to a restaurant 
Jane: ok. 
Panel 2 
Angelo: Hello good sir. A table for two please. No menus. I shall have your finest steak, and the lady shall have a salad. 
Jane: Actually, "the lady" shall have a menu. 
Panel 4 
Angelo: Wow that was a delicious meal. I'll just head to the wash room while you tidy up here and handle the bill. 
Jane: *mumble* Anything to end this hell. I wonder if I can donate someone else's blood to a blood bank. *mumble*

comic search terms: First impressions, part 3
comic dialog: Panel 1
Jane: So, did you want to just hit a coffee shop?
Angelo: I'm hungry, Let's go to a restaurant
Jane: ok.
Panel 2
Angelo: Hello good sir. A table for two please. No menus. I shall have your finest steak, and the lady shall have a salad.
Jane: Actually, "the lady" shall have a menu.
Panel 4
Angelo: Wow that was a delicious meal. I'll just head to the wash room while you tidy up here and handle the bill.
Jane: *mumble* Anything to end this hell. I wonder if I can donate someone else's blood to a blood bank. *mumble*
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