Apr 2 2007->Oct 31 2015
Updated daily Saturday's quote "I see no need to win this debate, when I'm the one holding the gun." - Sheriff Gunther, 1854 A.D. Sunday's quote "I like to dig for answers." - Paleontologist H. Jefferson, 1867 A.D. Monday's quote "If you value knowledge, then you should value trees." - Zurchen Buchmacher, 1984 A.D. Tuesday's quote "A smile is more disarming any anything else, that's why I smile before I attack." - Anonymous, (Unknown date) Wednesday's quote "I love packing my wood into boxes, but I'm afraid that if it gets too hot, the box will burn." - Scout Leader Badger, 1972 A.D. Thursday's quote "The chain of command is a chain that I use to keep people in line." - Dominatrix Sandy, 2013 A.D. Friday's quote "Wood is popping up all over, I'm glad I came here." - Ranger Keith, 1979 A.D. Saturday's quote "There is no world out there, better designed for humanity, than Earth." - Evolution 101, 2004 A.D. Sunday's quote "Just keep moving and you'll stay warm." - Eskimo Pickup Lines, 1985 A.D. Monday's quote "Be an unsung hero, not a braggart." - Col. Evenston, 1708 A.D. Tuesday's quote "You can't get around a circle." - Illustrator P. Onny, 1990 A.D. Wednesday's quote "We celebrate anniversaries in a desperate attempt to fight off our inevitable failing memories." - Failed Greeting Cards, 2011 A.D. Thursday's quote "Ug. The pounding! I'm soaking wet. Cursed rain!" - Sandra Shivers, 1987 A.D. Friday's quote "I'm prepared for anything that ends well." - Banker T. H. Eteller, 2012 A.D. Saturday's quote "Open doors are made to be closed, to keep out the riffraff." - J. Pillar Edwards Jr. IV, 1960 A.D. Sunday's quote "Temper your soul, like you temper steel, with bouts of intense stress followed by moments of cool release." - John Smith, 1203 A.D. Monday's quote "Battles are won by the troops, but paid for by the masses." - Sen. Applebee, 1894 A.D. Tuesday's quote "Happy times come from happy endings." - R. Pelser, 1982 A.D. Wednesday's quote "Look for truth in everything that is said, who knows, you might get lucky." - Ernest Shire, 1907 A.D. Thursday's quote "Space is an empty void, absent of everything, including humor, so put that suit on right!" - Lar Thiegy, 1989 A.D. Friday's quote "I guess I'd be willing to pick a man up, if I was stronger." - Hidden Confessions, 1996 A.D. Saturday's quote "A well fired arrow is worth a good knight any day." - Baron Goldolff, 1677 A.D. Sunday's quote "Team strength is formed from individual weakness." - Tamau, 988 A.D. Monday's quote "Only a fool fights for a fallen man, and only a wise man finds a way to save them." - Hank Mann, 1990 A.D. Tuesday's quote "Do not hide behind a mask, hide in plain sight, for no one doest knowest thee." - Archaic Insults, 2003 A.D. Wednesday's quote "One should rule with an iron fist, unless you have a titanium one ready." - Gen. S. Anders, 1971 A.D. Thursday's quote "You can't just stop, once you get going you have to keep going until the wood comes down." - Lumberjack Gillian, 1934 A.D. Friday's quote "Pretend that the customer is always right, it's the only way to get through the day." - Manager Tim Bar, 1982 A.D. Saturday's quote "You can only tell that you're trying things that are hard enough when you fall." - William Step, 1938 A.D. Sunday's quote "Do no pull out your sword until you are ready to use it." - Sir Le Piore, 1790 A.D. Monday's quote "Never sow your oats too near your home." - Farmer Dan, 1866 A.D. Tuesday's quote "Of course I love tea bags, with them, I know where everything is, and without them stuff just gets all over." - Mandy Snow, 2007 A.D. Wednesday's quote "We look for ways to waste our time, and yet we're always busy." - CEO R. V. Merdic, 2001 A.D. Thursday's quote "A perfect circle has not beginning or end, therefore it cannot exist." - Div Demal, 1900 A.D. Friday's quote "One can never leave someone who has legs and is persistent." - Al Kerts, 1888 A.D. Saturday's quote "The sky is a beautiful tapestry, but it's very difficult to paint." - Capt. Williams, 1946 A.D. Sunday's quote "It all just seems like an endless cycle of consume and extrude." - Mindy, 1990 A.D. |
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